A play co-written with Balázs Szálinger. Genre: Musical Celebrity Satire
The band called ‘Különutas’ from the outskirts of Budapest (Budafok) replaces its drummer. The former drummer was the band’s best musician and most popular member, which makes the change even more surprising. What’s even more surprising, however, is that the new band member is none other than Phil Collins, the international superstar, who, tired of fame, is seeking new experiences – which is why he applies to join Különutas, based on a single song he found online. The band is divided over having Phil Collins on board, but they know that by relying on the world-famous drummer, they too can make a breakthrough.
Sopron Petofi Theater, 2023, directed by Iván Hargitai
POSZT Reading Theater, 2018, directed by Géza Hegedűs D.